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Decoding the Permanent Total Disablement (PTD) in Accidental Policy

It is vital to know the meaning of Permanent Total Disability (PTD) for Personal Accident Policy for the Policyholders, Insurance Agents and the Sales Representative Insurance company

If the insured person is met with an accidental injury within the policy period and the injury nature results as Permanent Total Disability within 365 days from an accident then the insurance company will pay the total basic sum insured and any earn no claim bonus.

Now let us decode the meaning of the PTD as below:-

  • Complete and irreversible loss of vision in both eyes.
  • The loss resulting from physical separation or the complete and irreversible inability to utilize both hands or both feet
  • The loss resulting from physical separation or the complete and irreversible inability to utilize one hand and one foot.
  • Complete and irreversible loss of vision in one eye and the loss of a limb
  • Complete and permanent hearing loss in both ears, along with the loss of one limb or the loss of vision in one eye.
  • Complete and irreversible hearing loss in both ears, accompanied by the inability to speak
  • Complete and irreversible loss of the ability to speak, along with the loss of one limb or the loss of vision in one eye
  • Permanent total and absolute disability, which does not fall under the categories above, renders the Insured Person incapable of participating in any form of employment, occupation, or business for compensation or profit, leading to a Loss of Independent Living

Some Conditions

The term “physical separation” of a hand or foot refers to the disconnection occurring at or above the wrist and/or at or above the ankle, respectively. In the context of this benefit, “loss” signifies either the physical disconnection of a body part or the complete loss of functional use of a body part or organ. This condition must persist for a minimum of 365 days from the onset of the disability. Additionally, it is required that we receive written confirmation from a Medical Practitioner after 365 days, indicating that there is no reasonable medical expectation for improvement

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