What is the organ donation coverage in health insurance? : A Comprehensive Guide

Organ donation is also covered in health insurance policies, but its terms and conditions are quite complex, which is very important to understand.

Even if you have etiquette Health Insurance coverage, if you require any major Organ Transplant the expenses are too high. Any Insured Person has taken a huge sum of insured coverage but Organ Donation terms are used only for Organ Harvesting means organ transplant expenses related to implanting the organ into an Insured person’s body from a donor body.

The Insurance Company will indemnify the Organ Harvesting expenses for Hospitalization Expenses, during the policy period, where the insured person is the recipient, with the following terms and conditions :

  • The Organ donor is any person whose organ has been made available in accordance and compliance with the Transplantation of Human Organs Act 1994, the Transplantation of Human Organ (Amendment) Act, 2011, Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues Rules, 2014 and other applicable laws and regulations, as amended from time to time.
  • The Recipient Insured Person’s claim under Inpatient Hospitalisation Treatment is admissible under the Policy about such organ transplant.

Expenses Related to Organ Harvesting are excluded below

  • The organ donors’ Pre-Hospitalization Expenses and Post-Hospitalization Expenses.
  • Expenses related to organ transportation or preservation
  • Any other Medical Expenses or Hospitalization of the organ donor consequent to the organ harvesting.

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