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Niva Bupa ReAssure 2.0 All Variants Comparisons – Comprehensive Guide

Until then, the most popular Health Insurance Plan of Niva Bupa 2.0 offers multiple variants with unique features and benefits. In this plan, the Insurance Company offers the “Lock the Clock” till the claim arises, which means if we enter at any age our health insurance premium will remain the same till any claim after the policyholder pays the premium amount of that particular age, sum insured, medical history and family size.

It seems very emotional and impacted features introduced by the company. So, this is not only a single feature but Modern Health Insurance has many more features and benefits that it offers to its customers. Today we compare all the variants of “Niva Bupa ReAssure 2.0” so that we can choose any of the variants as per our needs.

Sr.No.Features & BenefitsBronze +Silver+Gold +Diamond+Platinum +Titanium +
1.Entry Age Adults18 years to 65 Years18 years to 65 Years18 years to 65 Years18 years to 65 Years18 years to 65 Years18 years to 65 Years
2.Entry Age Child 91 Days to 30 Years & Min 5 Years for Individual91 Days to 30 Years & Min 5 Years for Individual91 Days to 30 Years & Min 5 Years for Individual91 Days to 30 Years & Min 5 Years for Individual91 Days to 30 Years & Min 5 Years for Individual91 Days to 30 Years & Min 5 Years for Individual
3.Policy TypeIndividual /Multi-Individual & Family FloaterIndividual /Multi-Individual & Family FloaterIndividual /Multi-Individual & Family FloaterIndividual /Multi-Individual & Family FloaterIndividual /Multi-Individual & Family FloaterIndividual /Multi-Individual & Family Floater
4Tenure1/2/3 Years1/2/3 Years1/2/3 Years1/2/3 Years1/2/3 Years1/2/3 Years
5Family DefinitionSel+Spouse and 5 Dependents Childs upto 30 Years Sel+Spouse and 5 Dependents Childs upto 30 Years Sel+Spouse and 5 Dependents Childs upto 30 Years Sel+Spouse and 5 Dependents Childs upto 30 Years Sel+Spouse and 5 Dependents Childs upto 30 Years Sel+Spouse and 5 Dependents Childs upto 30 Years 
6Premium TypeAge Banded and Lock the ClockAge Banded and Lock the ClockAge Banded and Lock the ClockAge Banded and Lock the ClockAge Banded and Lock the ClockAge Banded and Lock the Clock
7Premium 2  ZonesZone -2 : Metro & Non-MetroZone -2 : Metro & Non-MetroZone -2 : Metro & Non-MetroZone -2 : Metro & Non-MetroZone -2 : Metro & Non-MetroZone -2 : Metro & Non-Metro
8Relationship CoverSelf, spouse, mother, father, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son, daughter, employer, employeeSelf, spouse, mother, father, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son, daughter, employer, employeeSelf, spouse, mother, father, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son, daughter, employer, employeeSelf, spouse, mother, father, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son, daughter, employer, employeeSelf, spouse, mother, father, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son, daughter, employer, employeeSelf, spouse, mother, father, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son, daughter, employer, employee
9Basic Sum Insured10 Lakh to 1 Cr10 Lakh to 1 Cr10 Lakh to 1 Cr10 Lakh to 1 Cr10 Lakh to 1 Cr10 Lakh to 1 Cr
10Room RentSingle Pvt Room & Shared RoomSingle Pvt Room & Shared RoomSingle Pvt Room & Shared RoomSingle Pvt Room & Shared RoomSingle Pvt Room & Shared RoomSingle Pvt Room & Shared Room
11Shared Accommodation Benefit Up to Rs.15 Lakh Base Sum Insured: Rs.800 per day; Maximum Rs.4,800 & Above 15 lakh Base Sum Insured Rs.1000 per Day; Maximum Rs.6000Up to Rs.15 Lakh Base Sum Insured: Rs.800 per day; Maximum Rs.4,800 & Above 15 lakh Base Sum Insured Rs.1000 per Day; Maximum Rs.6000Up to Rs.15 Lakh Base Sum Insured: Rs.800 per day; Maximum Rs.4,800 & Above 15 lakh Base Sum Insured Rs.1000 per Day; Maximum Rs.6000Up to Rs.15 Lakh Base Sum Insured: Rs.800 per day; Maximum Rs.4,800 & Above 15 lakh Base Sum Insured Rs.1000 per Day; Maximum Rs.6000Up to Rs.15 Lakh Base Sum Insured: Rs.800 per day; Maximum Rs.4,800 & Above 15 lakh Base Sum Insured Rs.1000 per Day; Maximum Rs.6000Up to Rs.15 Lakh Base Sum Insured: Rs.800 per day; Maximum Rs.4,800 & Above 15 lakh Base Sum Insured Rs.1000 per Day; Maximum Rs.6000
12ICU ChargesUp to the Sum InsuredUp to the Sum InsuredUp to the Sum InsuredUp to the Sum InsuredUp to the Sum InsuredUp to the Sum Insured
13AmbulanceRoad Ambulance: Up to Sum Insured, Air Ambulance: up to Rs. 2.5 Lakh per hospitalizationRoad Ambulance: Up to Sum Insured, Air Ambulance: up to Rs. 2.5 Lakh per hospitalizationRoad Ambulance: Up to Sum Insured, Air Ambulance: up to Rs. 2.5 Lakh per hospitalizationRoad Ambulance: Up to Sum Insured, Air Ambulance: up to Rs. 2.5 Lakh per hospitalizationRoad Ambulance: Up to Sum Insured, Air Ambulance: up to Rs. 2.5 Lakh per hospitalizationRoad Ambulance: Up to Sum Insured, Air Ambulance: up to Rs. 2.5 Lakh per hospitalization
14Day Care TreatmentUp to the Sum InsuredUp to the Sum InsuredUp to the Sum InsuredUp to the Sum InsuredUp to the Sum InsuredUp to the Sum Insured
15Modern Procedures / TreatmentsCovered up to Sum Insured with a sub-limit of Rs.1 Lakh per claim on a few robotic surgeries, for listed Modern TreatmentCovered up to Sum Insured with a sub-limit of Rs.1 Lakh per claim on a few robotic surgeries, for listed Modern TreatmentCovered up to Sum Insured with a sub-limit of Rs.1 Lakh per claim on a few robotic surgeries, for listed Modern TreatmentCovered up to Sum Insured with a sub-limit of Rs.1 Lakh per claim on a few robotic surgeries, for listed Modern TreatmentCovered up to Sum Insured with a sub-limit of Rs.1 Lakh per claim on a few robotic surgeries, for listed Modern TreatmentCovered up to Sum Insured with a sub-limit of Rs.1 Lakh per claim on a few robotic surgeries, for listed Modern Treatment
16HIV / AIDS and STD CoverNot CoverNot CoverNot CoverNot CoverNot CoverNot Cover
17Mental Illness HospitalizationUp to the Sum InsuredUp to the Sum InsuredUp to the Sum InsuredUp to the Sum InsuredUp to the Sum InsuredUp to the Sum Insured
18Obesity TreatmentUp to the Sum InsuredUp to the Sum InsuredUp to the Sum InsuredUp to the Sum InsuredUp to the Sum InsuredUp to the Sum Insured
19Pre-Hospitalization Expenses60 Days up to Sum Insured60 Days up to Sum Insured60 Days up to Sum Insured60 Days up to Sum Insured60 Days up to Sum Insured60 Days up to Sum Insured
20Post-Hospitalization Expenses180 Days up to Sum Insured180 Days up to Sum Insured180 Days up to Sum Insured180 Days up to Sum Insured180 Days up to Sum Insured180 Days up to Sum Insured
21Domiciliary- HospitalizationUp to the Sum InsuredUp to the Sum InsuredUp to the Sum InsuredUp to the Sum InsuredUp to the Sum InsuredUp to the Sum Insured
22Home Health CareUp to the Sum InsuredUp to the Sum InsuredUp to the Sum InsuredUp to the Sum InsuredUp to the Sum InsuredUp to the Sum Insured
23AYUSH TreatmentCovered up to the Sum Insured with a sub-limit of Rs.1 Lakh per claim on a few robotic surgeriesCovered up to the Sum Insured with a sub-limit of Rs.1 Lakh per claim on a few robotic surgeriesCovered up to the Sum Insured with a sub-limit of Rs.1 Lakh per claim on a few robotic surgeriesCovered up to the Sum Insured with a sub-limit of Rs.1 Lakh per claim on a few robotic surgeriesCovered up to the Sum Insured with a sub-limit of Rs.1 Lakh per claim on a few robotic surgeriesCovered up to the Sum Insured with a sub-limit of Rs.1 Lakh per claim on a few robotic surgeries
24Organ Donor ExpensesUp to the Sum InsuredUp to the Sum InsuredUp to the Sum InsuredUp to the Sum InsuredUp to the Sum InsuredUp to the Sum Insured
25Annual Health Check-upFor a defined list of tests; up to Rs.500 for every Rs.1 Lakh Base Sum Insured; (Individual: Maximum Irs. 5,000 per Insured; Family Floater: Maximum Rs. 10,000 per policy).For a defined list of tests; up to Rs.500 for every Rs.1 Lakh Base Sum Insured; (Individual: Maximum Irs. 5,000 per Insured; Family Floater: Maximum Rs. 10,000 per policy).For a defined list of tests; up to Rs.500 for every Rs.1 Lakh Base Sum Insured; (Individual: Maximum Irs. 5,000 per Insured; Family Floater: Maximum Rs. 10,000 per policy).For a defined list of tests; up to Rs.500 for every Rs.1 Lakh Base Sum Insured; (Individual: Maximum Irs. 5,000 per Insured; Family Floater: Maximum Rs. 10,000 per policy).For a defined list of tests; up to Rs.500 for every Rs.1 Lakh Base Sum Insured; (Individual: Maximum Irs. 5,000 per Insured; Family Floater: Maximum Rs. 10,000 per policy).For a defined list of tests; up to Rs.500 for every Rs.1 Lakh Base Sum Insured; (Individual: Maximum Irs. 5,000 per Insured; Family Floater: Maximum Rs. 10,000 per policy).
26ReAssureXUnlimited times Claim will be paid up to the Base Sum Insured and the rest will be carried forwardUnlimited times Claim will be paid up to the Base Sum Insured and the rest will be carried forwardUnlimited times Claim will be paid up to the Base Sum Insured and the rest will be carried forwardUnlimited times Claim will be paid up to the Base Sum Insured and the rest will be carried forwardUnlimited times Claim will be paid up to the Base Sum Insured and the rest will be carried forwardUnlimited times Claim will be paid up to the Base Sum Insured and the rest will be carried forward
27Booster+3X: Unutilized Base Sum Insured carries forward to the next policy year, maximum up to 3 times5X: Unutilized Base Sum Insured carries forward to the next policy year, a maximum of up to 5 times.10X: Unutilized Base Sum Insured carries forward to the next policy year, a maximum of up to 10 times3X: Unutilized Base Sum Insured carries forward to the next policy year, maximum up to 3 times.5X: Unutilized Base Sum Insured carries forward to the next policy year, a maximum of up to 5 times10X: Unutilized Base Sum Insured carries forward to the next policy year, a maximum of up to 10 times
28Live Healthy- Renewal DiscountUp to 30% discount on premium at the time of Renewal.Up to 30% discount on premium at the time of Renewal.Up to 30% discount on premium at the time of Renewal.Up to 30% discount on premium at the time of Renewal.Up to 30% discount on premium at the time of Renewal.Up to 30% discount on premium at the time of Renewal.
29Second Medical OpinionOnce in a policy year for Any ConditionsOnce in a policy year for Any ConditionsOnce in a policy year for Any ConditionsOnce in a policy year for Any ConditionsOnce in a policy year for Any ConditionsOnce in a policy year for Any Conditions
30E-consultationUnlimited e-consultation within our networkUnlimited e-consultation within our networkUnlimited e-consultation within our networkUnlimited e-consultation within our networkUnlimited e-consultation within our networkUnlimited e-consultation within our network
31Pre-Existing Waiting Period48 Months48 Months48 Months36 Months36 Months36 Months
32Specific Surgeries / Procedures24 Months24 Months24 Months24 Months24 Months24 Months
Optional CoverOptional CoverOptional CoverOptional CoverOptional CoverOptional CoverOptional Cover
1Hospital Cash BenefitsFrom 10 Lakh to 15 Lakh BSI, Rs.2K/Day and Above Rs.15 Lakh BSI 4K/DayFrom 10 Lakh to 15 Lakh BSI, Rs.2K/Day and Above Rs.15 Lakh BSI 4K/DayFrom 10 Lakh to 15 Lakh BSI, Rs.2K/Day and Above Rs.15 Lakh BSI 4K/DayFrom 10 Lakh to 15 Lakh BSI, Rs.2K/Day and Above Rs.15 Lakh BSI 4K/DayFrom 10 Lakh to 15 Lakh BSI, Rs.2K/Day and Above Rs.15 Lakh BSI 4K/DayFrom 10 Lakh to 15 Lakh BSI, Rs.2K/Day and Above Rs.15 Lakh BSI 4K/Day
2Personal AccidentUp to 5 times of Base Sum Insured, Maximum Up to 1 CrUp to 5 times of Base Sum Insured, Maximum Up to 1 CrUp to 5 times of Base Sum Insured, Maximum Up to 1 CrUp to 5 times of Base Sum Insured, Maximum Up to 1 CrUp to 5 times of Base Sum Insured, Maximum Up to 1 CrUp to 5 times of Base Sum Insured, Maximum Up to 1 Cr
3SafeguardClaim Safeguard: Non-payable items will be covered (as per the list I of Annexure I); Booster+ Safeguard: No impact on Booster+ if the claim in a policy year is up to Rs. 50,000; Sum Insured Safeguard: CPI-linked increase in Base Sum InsuredClaim Safeguard: Non-payable items will be covered (as per the list I of Annexure I); Booster+ Safeguard: No impact on Booster+ if the claim in a policy year is up to Rs. 50,000; Sum Insured Safeguard: CPI-linked increase in Base Sum InsuredClaim Safeguard: Non-payable items will be covered (as per the list I of Annexure I); Booster+ Safeguard: No impact on Booster+ if the claim in a policy year is up to Rs. 50,000; Sum Insured Safeguard: CPI-linked increase in Base Sum InsuredClaim Safeguard: Non-payable items will be covered (as per the list I of Annexure I); Booster+ Safeguard: No impact on Booster+ if the claim in a policy year is up to Rs. 50,000; Sum Insured Safeguard: CPI-linked increase in Base Sum InsuredClaim Safeguard: Non-payable items will be covered (as per the list I of Annexure I); Booster+ Safeguard: No impact on Booster+ if the claim in a policy year is up to Rs. 50,000; Sum Insured Safeguard: CPI-linked increase in Base Sum InsuredClaim Safeguard: Non-payable items will be covered (as per the list I of Annexure I); Booster+ Safeguard: No impact on Booster+ if the claim in a policy year is up to Rs. 50,000; Sum Insured Safeguard: CPI-linked increase in Base Sum Insured
4Safeguard+Claim Safeguard+: Non-payable items will be covered (as per lists I, II, III, IV of Annexure I); Booster+ Safeguard+: No impact on Booster+ if the claim in a policy year is up to Rs. 100 Lakh, Sum Insured Safeguard+: CPI linked increase in Base Sum InsuredClaim Safeguard+: Non-payable items will be covered (as per lists I, II, III, IV of Annexure I); Booster+ Safeguard+: No impact on Booster+ if the claim in a policy year is up to Rs. 100 Lakh, Sum Insured Safeguard+: CPI linked increase in Base Sum InsuredClaim Safeguard+: Non-payable items will be covered (as per lists I, II, III, IV of Annexure I); Booster+ Safeguard+: No impact on Booster+ if the claim in a policy year is up to Rs. 100 Lakh, Sum Insured Safeguard+: CPI linked increase in Base Sum InsuredClaim Safeguard+: Non-payable items will be covered (as per lists I, II, III, IV of Annexure I); Booster+ Safeguard+: No impact on Booster+ if the claim in a policy year is up to Rs. 100 Lakh, Sum Insured Safeguard+: CPI linked the increase in Base Sum InsuredClaim Safeguard+: Non-payable items will be covered (as per lists I, II, III, IV of Annexure I); Booster+ Safeguard+: No impact on Booster+ if the claim in a policy year is up to Rs. 100 Lakh, Sum Insured Safeguard+: CPI linked the increase in Base Sum InsuredClaim Safeguard+: Non-payable items will be covered (as per lists I, II, III, IV of Annexure I); Booster+ Safeguard+: No impact on Booster+ if the claim in a policy year is up to Rs. 100 Lakh, Sum Insured Safeguard+: CPI linked increase in Base Sum Insured
5Co-paymentCo-payment Options of 20% / 30% / 40% / 50%Co-payment Options of 20% / 30% / 40% / 50%Co-payment Options of 20% / 30% / 40% / 50%Co-payment Options of 20% / 30% / 40% / 50%Co-payment Options of 20% / 30% / 40% / 50%Co-payment Options of 20% / 30% / 40% / 50%
6Reduce – Waiting Period on Pre-Existing DiseaseOptions to Reduce PED waiting period – 1 year, 2 year or 4 yearOptions to Reduce PED waiting period – 1 year, 2 year or 4 yearOptions to Reduce PED waiting period – 1 year, 2 year or 4 yearOptions to Reduce PED waiting period – 1 year, 2 year or 4 yearOptions to Reduce PED waiting period – 1 year, 2 year or 4 yearOptions to Reduce PED waiting period – 1 year, 2 year or 4 year
7Room Type Selection Can choose SIngle Pvt Room or Share RoomCan choose SIngle Pvt Room or Share RoomCan choose SIngle Pvt Room or Share RoomCan choose SIngle Pvt Room or Share RoomCan choose SIngle Pvt Room or Share RoomCan choose SIngle Pvt Room or Share Room
8Annual Aggregate DeductibleOption to choose Rs.10K, 20K, 30K, 50K, 100KOption to choose Rs.10K, 20K, 30K, 50K, 100KOption to choose Rs.10K, 20K, 30K, 50K, 100KOption to choose Rs.10K, 20K, 30K, 50K, 100KOption to choose Rs.10K, 20K, 30K, 50K, 100KOption to choose Rs.10K, 20K, 30K, 50K, 100K

All the above are the comparison among all the variants of Niva Bupa ReAssure 2.0, based on this, a few questions will arise to mind, here are some examples with their answers:-

What is “Lock the Clock”? – Pay the premium as per your entry age & which will not increase until any claim, it is applicable for the AHC offered by the Insurance Company as a complimentary benefit, which means if the policyholder avails the AHC (Annual Health Checkups) in any policy year, the premium will not increase.

How to avail of the AHCAnnual Health Checkups will be booked through only the mobile App& applicable once in every policy year with specified limits of checkups list and will be done only at Network hospitals with cashless mode only.

Are Optionals Cover increasing/decreasing the premium? – Yes, it will increase and decrease as well, Suppose you have to reduce the pre-existing waiting period, and the premium will increase, if choose a shared room rather than a single pvt room, it will reduce the premium.

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