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Decoding the Permanent Partial Disablement in Personal Accident Policy

It is vital to know the meaning of Permanent Partial Disablement (PPD) for Personal Accident Policy for the Policyholders, Insurance Agents and the Sales Representative Insurance company

If the insured person is met with an accidental injury within the policy period and the injury nature results as Permanent Total Disability within 365 days from an accident then the insurance company will pay the percentage of the total basic sum insured as below:-

Type of Permanent Partial Disablement

Sr. No.Types of PPDPercentage of the Sum Insured
1Hearing of both ears75%
2An arm at the shoulder joint70%
3A leg above mid-thigh70%
4An arm above the elbow joint65%
5An arm beneath the elbow joint60%
6A leg up to mid-thigh60%
7A hand at the wrist55%
8A leg up to beneath the knee50%
9An eye50%
10A leg up to mid-calf45%
11A foot at the ankle40%
12Hearing of one ear30%
13A thumb20%
14An index finger10%
15Sense of smell10%
16Sense of taste5%
17Any other finger5%
18A large toe5%
19Any other toe2%


  • Should the Insured Person experience a loss that is not listed in the aforementioned table, an external medical consultant will assess the extent of the disablement and the corresponding amount to be paid, if applicable.
  • In this context, “Loss” refers to the physical detachment of a body part or the complete loss of its functional use, provided that this condition has persisted for a minimum of 365 days from the onset of the disability. Additionally, it is required that we are convinced, upon the conclusion of the 365 days, that there is no reasonable expectation of medical improvement.
  • In the event that a claim pertains to a complete member (which includes any organ, organ system, or limb) and also covers some or all of its components, our obligation to provide payment under this Benefit will be restricted solely to the member itself, excluding any of its parts or constituents.

What is not covered

Losses that arise directly or indirectly from the following circumstances will not be covered: infections (except for pyogenic infections resulting from an accidental cut or wound) or any other type of disease; or any surgical procedure, unless it is deemed necessary solely due to the injury sustained.

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