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Understanding the Benefits of Broken Bone in Personal Accident Policy

Some benefits of insurance plans are very complex, which is very important to understand, an integral business practice is also necessary for insurance managers and intermediaries, and also for the customer to be well aware of how much, how and how much he will get.

If the Insured Person sustains broken bones of the nature as specified in the table below, solely and directly due to an Accident that occurs during the Policy Period.

Some sub-limits are also applicable in some optional covers of Personal Accident Policy which also includes the features of Broken Bone. In which there is some pre-defined % that is based on the sum insured of the Broken Bone and not on the base sum insured of the policy, These benefits table are following:-

Broken Bone Benefits Table

Nature of Broken BonePercentage of the Broken Bone Cover limit payable
Vertebral body resulting in spinal cord damage100%
Skull (excluding nose and teeth)30%
Chest (all ribs and breast bone)50%
Shoulder (collar bone and shoulder blade)30%
Vertebra – vertebral arch (excluding coccyx)30%
Wrist (collies or similar Fractures10%
Ankle (Potts or similar Fracture)10%
Nasal bone3%

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